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From individuals to big business, we’ve made it easy to create perfect email signatures. Switch plans or cancel any time.

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All prices are in $USD. *Subject to change.

Asked Questions

Is it one user per signature or multiple users per signature?

You may share your signature design with multiple team members. They will be able to install a matching email signature, customized with their personal information.

Can I update all of my users' signatures without them having to perform a re-install?

Generally speaking no. However most email clients will allow you to update any image that appears in a signature without your users having to perform a re-install. Learn more about how to do this through our documentation.

How do I got about importing a custom HTML template?

Read through our documentation on custom HTML templates. You'll need to be able to write and understand HTML code.

What if my email client is not listed as an option in the install instructions?

We provide the ability for you to copy your signature to your clipboard (as well as copy the HTML and download the HTML file). With these tools you should be able to install your signature to any email client that supports HTML email signatures.

Let us know if your email client is missing from our database and we'll test it's compatibility with Signature Hound and add instructions as soon as we can.

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