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Cookie Policy

At Signature Hound, we believe in being transparent about how we collect and use data. This policy provides information about how and when we use cookies for these purposes. Any capitalized term used and not otherwise defined below has the meaning assigned to it in the terms of use.

Cookies are small text files that are stored in a computer’s browser directory. They are unique to your account or your browser. They help site providers with things such as understanding how people use a site, remembering a user’s login details, and storing site preferences.

  1. Session-based cookies last only while your browser is open and are automatically deleted when you close your browser.
  2. Persistent cookies last until you or your browser delete them or until they expire.

Does Signature Hound use Cookies?

Yes. Signature Hound uses two main types of cookies:

  1. First party cookies: these cookies are placed and read by Signature Hound directly when you use our Website,
  2. Third party cookies: these cookies are not set by Signature Hound, but by other companies, like Google, for site analytics purposes. See further details below on how to manage these cookies.

How is Signature Hound using Cookies?

Some cookies are associated with your account and personal information in order to remember that you are logged in. Other cookies are not tied to your account but are unique and allow us to carry out analytics and customization, among other similar things.

Cookies can be used to recognize you when you visit our Website, remember your preferences, and give you a personalized experience that’s consistent with your settings. Cookies also make your interactions faster and more secure. Visit our cookie tables to learn more.

Essential Cookies

Some cookies are essential to the operation of our Website and make it usable and secure by enabling basic functions like page navigation and access to secure areas of the Website.

Session ID cookie.
Domain: Type: First party Expires: Session
Stripe payment gateway fraud prevention and detection.
Stripe Cookie Policy
Domain: Type: Third party Expires: 1 year
Stripe payment gateway fraud prevention and detection.
Stripe Cookie Policy
Domain: Type: Third party Expires: 30 minutes

Preference Cookies

Preference cookies are used by Signature Hound to remember your preferences and to recognize you when you return to our Website.

Store if user has previously dismissed the cookie notice.
Local Storage
Domain: Type: First party Expires: Never

Analytics Cookies

Analytics cookies help us understand how visitors interact with our Website.

Analytics used to distinguish users (Google Analytics)
View Service Privacy Policy
Domain: Type: Third party Expires: 2 years
Analytics used to distinguish users (Google Analytics)
View Service Privacy Policy
Domain: Type: Third party Expires: 24 hours
Analytics used to distinguish users (Google Analytics)
View Service Privacy Policy
Domain: Type: Third party Expires: 1 minute

Advertising Cookies

Currently we do not use any advertising cookies.

In the future we do plan to run advertisements through LinkedIn and Google which will require the use of advertising cookies. When that time comes will will notify you and update the cookie tables to reflect this.

Can I opt-out?

Yes, with the exception of those cookies that are necessary to provide you with our Website.

Most browsers give you the ability to manage cookies to suit you. Browser manufacturers provide help pages relating to cookie management in their products. Please see below for more information.

In addition, most advertising networks offer you a way to opt out of targeted advertising. If you would like to find out more information, please visit or

Last updated: 08 August 2020

Got it

By using this website, you
agree to our cookie policy